It isn’t often I get hired to cover birthday parties, mainly because I don’t really offer them. But after Miss Addison b’day bash and all it’s fun, I’m thinking maybe I should. The whole family pitched in to prepare for this little princess’ big day. Bret & Cassie were residing in North Carolina at the time, so it was a short trip home to visit family and celebrate this beautiful life.
Addison certainly didn’t disappoint in the personality department. That girl is a little firecracker. Her smile will melt your heart quicker than you can wish her a happy birthday. I loved watching all the kids gravitate to uncle Brandon who is the family jungle gym. All the little girls in our family are going to start taking those Beehler boys down.
At present time we all gathered and giggled at Addison squealing in excitement over her plethora of Minnie Mouse presents. Big sister, Kylee, made sure Addison didn’t get too distracted in the sea of Minnie and thoughtfully made sure she saw every item, what a kind big sis! We had to step outside to get a more formal family pic with that gorgeous backdrop, it isn’t called That Pretty Place for nothing. It was a wonderful day to celebrate a wonderful life. I can’t wait until year number 2.
Cassandra - You captured such an important day so perfectly! Thank you so much!