Celebrating Home Launch ~ Military Families in VA & IN

My brother is one of the most admirable people I know. He is committed to his family and to his country. He has pledged his life to the Army and protecting our Nation. With any commitment comes sacrifice, however, no sacrifice is greater than the one that our military men and women make everyday. It’s not just the soldiers that sacrifice, but also their families. The military can take months and sometimes years away from families. I want to be there when all that time away finally ends and soldiers can once again wrap their arms around the ones they love.

We’ve all seen the heartfelt homecoming of soldiers. I can’t watch a video on FB or YouTube without all out sobbing. These families give up so much so that we can live the American Dream and remain free from terror and safe in our home land. In an effort to give back just a piece of what they have given me and to honor my brother, I am launching the “Celebrating Home” Campaign.

Each month, I will put a call out for a family whose solider is due to come home soon and offer a free homecoming session to take place at the soldiers arrival. To be eligible all you have to do is write me a message/email about why you think your family should be chosen. I will then choose one family, per month, based on those messages/emails.

This is open to anyone stationed near Elkhart County Indiana or Harrisonburg, Virginia (when I travel there). I would like to stay within a few hour radius of these areas but would consider traveling further under certain circumstances. I will do my absolute best to work my schedule to photograph at least one family a month. It is an honor to be able to serve those who have served for me and my family. If you know someone who is missing a loved one please share this. To become eligible you can email me at: mistiyoderphotography@gmail.com or message me on Facebook here for more info.

Happy fourth of July to you all and thank you to all the men and women who have, are and will serve. God Bless.

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