The wonderful thing about working in an artistic field is getting to meet so many gifted people. There are so many mediums and like a snowflake, none of them are exactly alike. Painting, writing, taking photographs, building sculptures, baking, dancing, all the wonderful arts out there, our work is like a glimpse into us. Sometimes a chance to say something without saying a word or some times enough words to write a novel or poetry book in Angela’s case. I think by nature artists/creative people are slightly outspoken. But not always in the way you expect someone to be.
My feature this week is a women with sad but beautiful words. Introducing (in my talk show host voice)…writer, Mrs. Angela M. Carter. I met Angela for the first time at the “I am…” event I held at Spitzer’s Art Center back in December. Angela is a fellow Spitzer’s Family Member and I was instantly drawn to the way she spoke. There is something soothing in her voice. I can’t quite put my finger on it but it’s there. Anyway, as I got to know Angela, I quickly found out just how amazingly talented she is.
Here’s a little bit Angela wrote about herself and her poetry book that is being published in just a few months, you go girl!
When I was 18 I received a scholarship to study British Literature at the University of Bath. I never let myself forget just how the stars aligned, and that it meant I met James, my husband of 12 years, on that very campus. Living abroad for many years helped me to understand one important fact of life: running away from problems just ensures that all those things you ran from will always be ahead of you. James and I traveled through the Shenandoah Valley while on a late honeymoon, and noted that it was a friendly place. We believed it was such a special place that we, which then included our 11-month-old daughter, eventually moved to Harrisonburg. We didn’t know a soul! It has proven to be a place of healing and restoration for me, and, more importantly, a home. We now are a family of 4, and have also adopted two wonderful dogs).
I have been a writer since a very young age, and am thankful that yet another dream is coming true. My first full-length poetry book, Memory Chose a Woman’s Body, is being published via Unbound Content in late May 2014. The publication was a difficult decision for me, as it is a testament that silence is not golden. I speak of many things that the world is still not ready to accept. These topics include abuse, alcoholism, mental illnesses and eating disorders. I have reached many personal goals and receive supportive messages from all over the US.
Recently, I performed, Science Class, a performance piece of what it is really like to be abused as a child. I know it made some feel uncomfortable, but I also know it will help many that haven’t gained their voices yet. ”
Photo by Brandy Somers Photography
“I collaborated with local photographer, Brandy Somers, on creating an image of depth, through photography, for my book cover. The session ended with me feeling a type of closure. When you see a photo that speaks your words, it’s an amazing feeling–for any writer.” ~Angela.
I wish I could share the book cover photos with you but Angela and Brandy aren’t wearing down. No photos till the release. Argh, the suspense. Here are some I can share though of beautiful Angela by last weeks feature, the lovely, Brandy Somers Photography.
I am…inspired by Angela. She is a brave, gentle soul. I admire people who are willing to step outside the box and go for it. Here is a video I found on youtube that I personally loved of a reading Angela did at JMU. Warning, it’s a tear jerker.
Angela also coordinates the Rocktown Poetry Circle:
You can find out more about Angela at: and her Facebook page:
Angela M. Carter - Misti,
Thank you for the very kind words! You are a kind soul.